What is Zenkai? Zenkai is also a Frequency. “The Spirit of Zenkai” is Frequency.
Just like everything in existence has a specific Frequency, Zenkai contains a Frequency too.
Why and when would you want to tap into Zenkai Frequency?
Quite simply…whenever you desire “good change” in your life; that moment of positive shift; when you want to overcome new challenges; when you have a new ambition in life; when you have tapped into your soul's purpose of service.
What other moments in life are good for Zenkai Frequency?
Those “shitty'' messy times when you simply have to work through ‘it” instead of avoid “it”. The moment of truth when you finally make that big decision to, “Let It Go”. During that difficult conversation with your family or coworker. During those moments of despair when you acknowledge that you simply didn’t do what your heart nudged you to do.
My personal favorite times to tap into Zenkai Frequency:
*Magical celebratory moments when it's just me to celebrate with.
*The times of immense Gratitude, Love, and Joy.
*The moment I set a good boundary.
*The times I am Uber Productive, and in flow.
*When I am open to the co-creative force of energy exchange with the Universe.
*When I connect with the feeling of Mirth!
*When I choose to LOVE MYSELF MORE, BE Happier, and SERVE greatly WITH enthusiastic PASSION!!!
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